On the eve of ANZAC Day 2025, I will be starting my 5th and final 20km Midnight to Dawn trek.
I come from a long family history of service in the Australian Defence Force from WWI all the way through to Afghanistan.
Over the the last 5 years of Trekking the Midnight to Dawn, I have lost grandparents who were not only Ex-Army but some of my fiercest supporters, who I know would be there at the Dawn service waiting for me with big hugs and warm jackets.
I am dedicating my final Fifth and final Midnight to Dawn to all my family members who have served, from the Western Front and Egypt in WWI, Darwin during WWII, the hospital burns unit in Japan During Korea, the paddy fields in Vietnam and to the hills and desert of Afghanistan and everything in between.
All funds raised for Midnight to Dawn Anzac Service Trek support Trek2Health, an organisation founded to provide stigma-free services to support the physical and mental health of our local frontline workers and veterans.
I believe that it is important to support those who have sacrificed their own physical and mental well-being for a safer community. Please show your ANZAC spirit by sponsoring me in this trek.